An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text in English Online Learning of the Tenth Grade SMK N 1 Pacitan
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L Education (General) 
2021-11-18 01:47:48 
Abstract :
Writing is one type of skill that must be mastered by students. However, students have problems in writing ability indicators. Problem in writing ability indicators consist of content, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.. This research aims: 1) to knowing dominant problem find in the writing ability indicators; 2) to analyzing how the students? ability in writing narrative text on English online learning at SMK N 1 Pacitan in academic year 2020/2021. In this research, the researcher chooses the qualitative descriptive method. The subjects of this research were 29 students of X TB 1 at SMKN 1 Pacitan. The data collecting techniques used in this research are documentation, test, and interview. Techniques that were used to analyze data are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This research finding showed that the mean score of students? writing ability is 61.55. The researcher showed that the students of X TB 1 SMKN 1 Pacitan have a fairly good competence from their ability in writing narrative texts in learning English. The result of test, there were 5 students (25%) got score 70-84 (Good to Average), 10 students (50%) got score 55-69 (Fair to Poor), 5 students (25%) got score 25-54 (Very Poor). Most of them can not write the correct spelling, using punctuation, and capital letter. The student cannot spell the text correctly. Students cannot have good ideas, lack of motivation, lack of support from parents so that students do not have the determination to reach better grades. Based on the results of the interviews of students' abilities that have been analyzed, the researcher found that students have difficulty writing narrative texts such as they lacked the vocabulary and had no idea to write something. They have difficulty spelling. Besides, they are not interested in writing narrative text. Based on the results, the researcher would like to suggest teacher must pay closer attention to improving the process of teaching writing English, students are expected to be more active in participating in activities to improve their writing skills during learning in class and outside the classroom. Keywords: Case Study, Writing, Online learning 
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