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L Education (General) 
2022-11-23 01:44:06 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Lailatul Fitriyah. Pengembangan Media Scrapbook untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita FPB dan KPK Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Pacitan: STKIP PGRI Pacitan, 2022. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan potensi dan kebutuhan media pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) prosedur pengembangan produk media Scrapbook; (2) kelayakan media Scrapbook; (3) efektifitas media Scrapbook untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita FPB dan KPK. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan Borg & Gall yang dibatasi hingga langkah ke-7. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, tes, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data meliputi analisis validitas produk dan efektivitas produk. Validitas produk didasarkan pada hasil penilaian ahli materi dan ahli media. Efektivitas produk didasarkan pada hasil pre-test dan post-test subjek uji coba. Hasil penelitianini adalah: (1) Media Scrapbook dikembangkan melalui prosedur: a) penelitian pendahuluan; b) perencanaan penelitian; c) pengembangan model; d) uji ahli; e) revisi hasil uji ahli; f) uji lapangan utama; dan g) revisi hasil uji lapangan utama; (2) hasil penilaian ahli materi diperoleh rerata skor sebesar 4,46, kategori ?sangat valid?, oleh ahli media diperoleh rerata skor sebesar 4,37 kategori ?sangat valid?, serta hasil angket respon guru sebesar 88,32% dan hasil angket respon siswa sebesar 97,96% dengan kategori ?Sangat baik?. Dengan demikian, media Scrapbook layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran; (3) media Scrapbook dinyatakan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita FPB dan KPK dengan rata-rata N-Gain score adalah 0,8 yang berarti kategori tinggi dan persentase sebesar 82% yang bemakna efektif. Kata Kunci: Media Scrapbook, Soal Cerita, FPB dan KPK. ABSTRACT Lailatul Fitriyah. Development of Scrapbook Media to Improve Grade IV Elementary School Students' Ability to Solve Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Story Problems. Pacitan: 2022, STKIP PGRI Pacitan. This study is based on the potential and requirements of mathematics learning media in elementary school for supporting the learning process. The purpose of this study is to knowing: (1) the design of scrapbook media products; (2) the feasibility of scrapbook media; and (3) the level of effectiveness of scrapbook media in improving the ability to solve HCF and LCM story problems. This study was a development research using a Borg & Gall development model that is limited to the seventh step. Techniques for collecting data include questionnaires, written tests, and documentation. Data analysis includes determining the product's level of validity as well as the trial product's level of effectiveness. Product?s validity was based on the result of the assessment of material experts and media experts. The product's effectiveness determined by the test subjects' pre-test and post-test results. The study's findings were as follows: (1) media Scrapbook was created using Borg and Gall development procedures, a) preliminary research; b) research planning; c) model development; d) expert testing; e) revision of expert test results; f) main field testing; and g) operational product revision; (2) result of assessment by material experts with an average of 4.46 with the category of "Very Valid" and media experts with an average of 4.37 with the category of "Very Valid", as well as the results of the teacher response questionnaire assessment of 88.32% and the results of the student response questionnaire assessment of 97.96% with the category of "Very good". Therefore, Scrapbook media was worthy for use in learning; (3) scrapbook media has been declared effective for improving the ability to solve HCF and LCM story problems, with an average N-Gain score of 0.8 indicating a high category and a percentage of N-Gain score of 82% indicating effectiveness. Keywords: Scrapbook Media, Story Questions, HCF and LCM. 
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