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2022-11-23 01:45:32 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Mohammad Khoirul Anam. Dampak Broken Home Terhadap Kemampuan Psikomotorik Siswa SDN 1 Hadiluwih. Pacitan. STKIP PGRI Pacitan, 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Untuk mengetahui keadaan siswa broken home terhadap aspek psikomotoriknya di SDN 1 Hadiluwih, (2) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan siswa korban broken home dalam aspek psikomotorik siswa yang terdampak broken home di SDN 1 Hadiluwih, (3) Untuk mendiskripsikan langkah upaya-upaya penanganan dan pengembangan aspek psikomotorik siswa korban broken home di SDN 1 Hadiluwih. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, wali kelas IV dan 8 siswa SDN 1 Hadiluwih dengan jumlah yang terdampak broken home berjumlah 3 siswa. Tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Tekhnik analisis data menggunakan model Miles and Hubberman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah 1) Keadaan siswa yang mengalami broken home tidak jauh berbeda dengan siswa yang lain tentang kecakapan dikelas dan kemahiran memahami suatu objek. Dua dari subyek penelitian cenderung patuh pada arahan guru, tetapi slah satu subyek penelitian harus diajak berkomunikasi scara personal ketika guru memberikan tugas atau memberi arahan. 2) Hasil wawancara dengan 3 siswa yang terdampak broken home dari 8 siswa, diketahui bahwa rata-rata siswa mengalami kegiatan yang sama selama proses pembelajaran dirumah maupun disekolah, dan mendapat perhatian khusus dari guru maupun orang tuanya dalam belajar. 3) Langkah-langkah dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru dan keluarga terhadap siswa yang terdampak broken home adalah saling support dan melengkapi, sehingga siswa tidak merasa sendiri dalam bertindak ataupun melakukan kegiatan yang hubungannya masih dalam aspek psikomotorik. Usaha yang dilakukan keluarga siswa yang terdampak broken home adalah dengan meminta bantuan guru Bimbingan Konseling untuk membantu memberikan bimbingan dan pengarahan agar lebih terarah. Sejauh ini guru Bimbingan Konseling telah memberikan beberapa kali konseling dan memberikan motivasi serta pencerahan agar siswa terbimbing dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Broken Home, Psikomotorik, Siswa ABSTRACT Mohammad Khoirul Anam. The Impact of Broken Home on the Psychomotor Ability of SDN 1 Hadiluwih Students. Pacitan. STKIP PGRI Pacitan, 2022. This study aims to (1) determine the condition of broken home students in terms of their psychomotor aspects at SDN 1 Hadiluwih, (2) to determine the differences between students who were as victims of broken homes in the psychomotor aspects of students affected by a broken home at SDN 1 Hadiluwih, (3) to describe steps efforts to handle and develop the psychomotor aspects of students who were victims of broken homes at SDN 1 Hadiluwih. This research used a qualitative research using a descriptive approach. The Informants in this study were the headmaster, homeroom teacher of class IV and 8 students of SDN 1 Hadiluwih of which 3 of them are affected by a broken home. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Hubberman model. The results of this study were 1) The condition of students who experience a broken home was not much different from other students regarding class skills and the ability to understand an object. Two of the research subjects tended to obey the teacher's direction, but one of the research subjects had to be invited to communicate personally when the teacher gave assignments or directions. 2) The results of interviews with 3 students who were affected by a broken home from 8 students, it was known that on average students experience the same activities during the learning process at home and at school, and receive special attention from teachers and parents in learning. 3) The steps and efforts taken by teachers and families towards students affected by a broken home are mutually supportive and complementary, so that students do not feel alone in acting or carrying out activities related with the psychomotor aspect. The effort made by the families of students affected by broken homes was asking the Counseling Guidance teachers to help provide guidance and direction to make the students be more focused. So far the Guidance Counseling teachers had provided counseling several times and provided motivation and enlightenment so that students are well guided. Keywords: Broken Home, Psychomotor, Students 
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