Abstract :
Zulfa, Nafilah. 2019. An Error Analysis of Using Preposition in Writing Narrative
Text to The Eleventh Grade Students of MAN Sidoarjo. Advisor: 1) Dina
Merris M,M.Pd. 2) Siti Aisyah,M.Pd.
Keywords: Preposition Errors, Jha’s Classification, Narrative Text
Preposition is a complex area the students find difficulty in using them correctly.
Hence, the important of using preposition cannot be ignored. It is clear that the use
of preposition is important to known. Problem in this research was the use of
preposition in writing narrative text to the eleventh grade students of MAN
Sidoarjo.Thirty six students were asked to write narrative composition in English
based on topics provided in forty five minutes. However, just fifthteen students’
narrative task for sample in this research. This study was a descriptive qualitative
research which was describing the reality behind phenomenon deeply and
descriptively. This study analyzed the students’ narrative task based on
classification ofpreposition errorby Jha (1991). The result of this study showed that:
1) the total amount of error made by the eleventh grade students were 98 errors.
They included omission errors (36=29,27%), insertion errors (7=5,69%), and
selection errors (80=65,04%). 2) the highest frequency errors type produced by the
students was selection errors with the total percentage was 65,04%. Based on the
finding, it showed that the students made preposition errors while producing their
narrrative text. For suggestion, the teacher and the students should learn more about
the use of preposition especially for writing narrative text, so the errors could be
minimize. For further researcher, the researcher suggest that this research can be
reference in writing the other research.