Abstract :
Keywords: Writing, Descriptive Text, Online Magazine
This research aimed at implementing teaching writing descriptive text using online magazine and knowing student’s responses about teaching writing descriptive text using online magazine to the tenth grade students of MAN Sidoarjo in academic year 2017/2018.
This research used descriptive qualitative research. The researcher conducted the research at 25 January 2019. The subjects of the research were class X MIA 7. The data collected through observations during teaching and learning activity. Furthermore, the researcher used some instruments, they were observation checklist, field note, and questionnaire. The data from the observation analyzed using descriptive analysis.
The result of the research demonstrates that implementation of teaching writing descriptive text using online magazine during teaching and learning process. The pre activity, the teacher gave students warming up and explained how to used online magazine for descriptive text lesson. After that, the while activity, the teacher explained the lesson using online magazine. And the last post activity, the teacher gave task to students. This activity was able to give students’ writing exercise. Based on questionnaire, the students answered yes were 59%. It meant, more than 50% of students liked studied English using online magazine especially for descriptive text lesson. The students answered no were 41%. It meant, under 50% of students did not like studied English using online magazine.
During the teaching and learning process, the student also showed positive response toward the lesson. They enthusiastically joined the teaching and learning activities and did the task well. The media solved the problems and difficulties of the student, developed social skills, and helped each other solved the problem in doing exercise for making a descriptive text.