Teaching writing news item text by using BBC news video to the twelfth grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Tulangan.
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Purwati, Mely Hardani
LB Theory and practice of education 
2020-05-02 00:54:27 
Abstract :
Writing is the biggest challenge for many students. Many students find it difficult to express the idea, and arrange the sentence correctly. To overcome the problems, the researcher used BBC news video. By using video, teacher can create enjoyable class and the students’ creativity. The aims of this study are to describe the implementation of BBC news video in teaching writing news item text, and to describe the students’ response after learning by using BBC news video. This research used descriptive qualitative. The subject is twelfth grades students of MIPA 2 at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Tulangan. The instruments are: field note, documentation, and questionnaire. Source of data was taken from the data of filled notes, documentation, and questionnaire. Based on the finding, there are two meetings. In each meeting, the teacher greeted the students, checked the attendance list and reviewed the subject from previous meeting. Then, the teacher explained the news item text. After that the teacher showed the BBC news video to the students. Afterwards The teacher asked them to write the news item text and analyze the generic structure. In the students response, There are 66% students answer yes and 34% students answer no. it means that, the students feel interested, enjoy, and easier in writing news item text by using BBC news video. 
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