Werdaningsih, Kiranti Ajeng
Sulistyaningsih, Sulistyaningsih
Sabat, Yulianto
L Education (General)
2019-07-25 11:23:33
Abstract :
Speaking is one of four language skills which considered as difficult especially for the first grade students of senior high school because many reasons like less motivation and lack vocabulary. The use of role play to teaching speaking describing historical places is recommended because role play is the way to teach speaking by setting up the students in the situations in pairs or groups. The research purposes are describing the implementations of role play in teaching speaking describing historical places, and describing the students responses in speaking describing historical places using role play. This reserach used descriptive qualitative method. The data taken from the first grades students of X IPS1 with 34 students from SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Tulangan Sidoarjo. As the result of the implementation of teaching speaking by using role play technique in describing historical places made the students more confident, enjoy to speaking English and it’s was effective as media to teaching speaking opinion. Based on result of questionnaire, the students responses are very attractive, felt enjoy, felt confident if speak in front of the class, then they could express their idea very well, and understand well about the material. Then as the suggestion of this research is when the students using role play to practice speaking English, they should more confident to share their ide or opinion in group because it can effect the way of role play. That is, they focus on a situation where all eliminates are at random, with decisions unaffected by the previous game course. It is a great simplification, and is going to follow only when participants fail to observe others’ behavior, or make use become one of this information.