Abstract :
Hygieny, M. (2019). Error Analysis of Using Action Verb in Writing Recount Text to the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Walisongo 2 Gempol. Thesis. English Education Study Program, STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Advisor 1) Dina Merris MS. M.Pd, 2) Siti Aisyah, M.Pd
Key Words: Error Analysis, Surface Strategy Taxonomy, Student Written Task
Considering the importance of grammatical knowledge for the writing process, this research aims at finding out the grammatical errors based on surface strategy taxonomy that focused on the omission error, addition error, misformation error, and misordering error that appear in student written task of tenth grade students at SMK Walisongo 2 Gempol. The method of this research was a descriptive qualitative. The subject and data source were collected from the students of X TKJ (TekhnikKomputerdanJaringan) class of SMK Walisongo 2 Gempol academic year 2018/2019.The key instrument used in this research was the researcher and students written task. Dulay’s, Burt, and Krashen theory becomes the main key in data analysis. Based on the analysis, three types of errors were found. These three errors were omission that was found 18,19%, addition that was comitted 9,09%, and misformation that is the highest error was found 72,72%. Based on the result, it is figured out that the students still made errors while conducting the text. For suggestion, the teachers should be aware on writing. The students were expected to increase their knowledge on action verb, at least reduce those errors on writing action verb.