Abstract :
Aini, Syarifatul. 2019. The Implementation of Participation Point System in Teaching Speaking to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP 10 Nopember Sidoarjo. Thesis. English Education Study Program. STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Advisor 1) Yudy Prasetyo., S.Pd., M.Pd. Advisor 2) Ester Hesturini., S.Pd., M.Pd. Key words : Participation Point System, Speaking
Student’s passivity could be seen as a non-involvement from the students to the learning activities in the classroom. When the students are passive, they isolate themselves from the classroom interaction. To motivate the passive students to be active, Participation Point System (PPS) could be implemented as one of the solutions. This research paper was conducted to investigate the implementation of Participation Point System in a junior high school of SMP 10 Nopember in teaching Speaking. The researcher used descriptive qualitative design. The participants of this research paper were 34 students of VII D. And the research conducted the observation two meetings. The data were collected through observation. Based on the result of the research, the implementation of Participation Point System in teaching speaking to the seventh grade students of SMP 10 Nopember Sidoarjo was by giving colored paper to represent students’ participation scores. The teacher give blue paper is worth (+) point and give red paper is worth (-) point. Blue paper gave for students who can answer the question and students who want to be a volunteer to explain the material. And red paper gave for students who make a noise during teaching and learning process. Every student has same opportunity to enrich their participation scores. Implementation of Participation Point System in teaching speaking obtained positive responses from the students. It can be shown in teaching and learning process, the students are active, fun, and seriously in followed the lesson in the class.