Muftachor, Achmad Azmil
Musyarofah, Lailatul
Sabat, Yulianto
PR English literature
2019-09-04 01:09:46
Abstract :
To achieve a successful communication, particularly in the verbal one, the participants are expected to be
cooperative. To be cooperative in a conversation, the participants are expected to follow some principles called
Cooperative Principles that consist of maxim. Considering it, the research objectives is to describe the types of
maxim and reason of maxim. The researcher used descriptive qualitative. The subject was the main character in
armageddon movie. The instruments of this research were researcher as primary instrumend, data sheet, laptop,
DVD player, and script text. In data analysis there are four procedures, namely classifying the data, describing
the data, examining the data, drawing conclusion. The result showed that there were 22 items of maxim that is
found in armageddon movie. The dominat reason of maxim was to give additional lesson as much 10 items. For
suggestion, the researcher suggested that this research can contribute to give some advantages and can be
reference to write the other research