Abstract :
Song is the product of the creativity and expression of it?s author. Every song writer has a character or distinctive starned in his or her works. There are many varieties of method used ton knew or relognize a characteristic of the song. This can be seen in terms of the structure of song, both the form of a song and the elements contained in song.
The title of study is ?The Melody Analysis Of Peni Priyono?s Traditional Songs? it?s one only that writers want to find out about the character or trademark off a song by Peni Priyono. The conducted studies of musical elements William P. Malm. Using qualitative research methods. Collection of file devolves observing techniques, literature, interview, and documentation. The study aims to become better acquainted and Peni Priyono song?s in writing so that they can be understood, accepted, and understood by every reader.