Abstract :
This research aims to: (1) know the organizational culture of Meize Hotel Bandung, (2) know the employee performance of Meize Hotel Bandung, (3) determine the impact of organizational culture on employee performance of Meize Hotel Bandung. Data were collected from 25 employees of Meize Hotel Bandung as respondents by distributing questionnaires consist of 15 questions for organizational culture variables and 8 questions for employee performance
variables. This research uses a quantitative approach method in which the results of the questionnaire are processed using IBM SPSS 23 program tools for validity and reability testing, descriptive analysis, also simple linear regression analysisand correlation rank Spearman testing. The results of the research in the descriptive analysis section show the average value for the organizational culture variable of 2,63 and the employee?s performance shows an average value of 2,53. In the simple linear regression analysis results obtained R square with a value of 0,545 or 54,5% for the variable of the effect of organizational culture on employee
performance at Meize Hotel Bandung, while 45,5% is affected by other variables that are not the author?s scrutiny.
Keywords : organizational culture, employee performance