Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung
Gumilang, Chandra Purnama
TX901-9465.5 Hospitality Industry, Hotel and Restaurants
2022-11-29 06:29:42
Abstract :
Planning labor can be done by considering the various specific aspects to foresee needs of labor. One of the aspects that must be considered is employee?s workload aspect. This became incredibly important because the employees is very influenced by workload assignment. Workload influenced by two factors which is internal and external factors. Author will do research about the factor that influences employee workload in Food and Beverage Department Fabu Hotel bandung. This research uses qualitative approach by using study case method where author will explore about the employee workload factors at Food and
Beverage Department Fabu Hotel Bandung. Data collection techniques was done by the author using, observation, interviews and documentation study. The result of the collection of data will be reduced, analyzed and drawn the conclusion. After conducting research on the factors that affect employee workload, the authors found that the most influential factors are the external factors. At the end of thechapter, author give conclusions and recommendations for Fabu Hotel Bandung.
Keywords : Factors, Employee, Workload