Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung
Heasy, Septiana Azhari
TX901-9465.5 Hospitality Industry, Hotel and Restaurants
2022-11-29 06:56:00
Abstract :
This research aims to determine the responses of respondents about work motivation, organizational commitment and the influence of work motivation (variable X) on employee organizational commitment (variable Y) at House Sangkuriang Bandung, which is a 3 star hotel located in Dago Bandung. This study uses quantitative research with an associative approach, respondents in this study were all employees at House Sangkuriang Bandung with a total of 25 employees. Then the results of the data obtained were processed using analysis tools, namely IBM SPSS version 20. The descriptive
analysis showed a good enough value for work motivation with an average of 3.27 and a good value for employee organizational commitment with an average of 3.87. Correlation test results show that work motivation affects organizational commitment with a correlation value of 0.690. The result of the determination test shows an R square of
0.477 or 47% which means that work motivation has an effect on the organizational commitment of employees at House Sangkuriang Bandung. Simple linear regression test
results show kostanta value of 21.672 and coefficient of 0.428. Recommendations that can be applied by House Sangkuriang Bandung to increase employee motivation and
organizational commitment by management must be able to pay attention to each employee, give recognition and give praise to each employee fairly.
Keywords: Work Motivation, Organizational Commitment