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Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung
Laili, Kazhimah
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-12-16 02:39:52 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a new disease caused by a virus of the Coronavirus group, SARS-CoV-2 which is also often called the Corona Virus. Covid-19 occurs due to infection from a virus that can cause respiratory problems for infected patients, with mild symptoms such as flu to lung infections (Alodokter, 2022). This virus spreads rapidly and creates concern in the community to travel and do outdoor activities with many people. The travel industry itself has also been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Deputy Chairman of the Association of Travel Companies (ASITA) West java Budijanto Ardijansjah revealed, almost 90 percent of the total 7,000 Asita member companies have temporarily closed since April 2020. There are around 5,000 companies that have temporarily closed, and the number of workers affected is 50 thousand people (, 2020). This study aims to determine the efforts, factors or obstacles, solutions and efforts to handle the crisis that occurred at SHAS Tours due to the Covid-19 pandemic using the 5-phase theory of the crisis management model by Mitroff (1988), namely: Signal Detection, Preparation & Prevention, Containment (Damage Limitation), Recovery, and Learning. In this study, it was found that SHAS Tours had made various efforts in dealing with the crisis that occurred within the company as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Starting from making a new business plan, conducting briefings related to the implementation of health protocols, implementing WFH activities, communicating the crisis to everyone in the company, implementing health protocols in the company and tours, conducting training on the application of health protocols to staff, and conducting evaluation activities of the implementation health protocol. Although there are still shortcomings, SHAS Tours has not conducted any special training activities on crisis management, has not done any merging and editing of crisis related documentation in the company, and also SHAS Tours has not carried out any special evaluation activities for handling crises. Keywords: Crisis Management, Five Phase Of Crisis Management Model, Signal Detection, Preparation & Prevention, Containment (Damage Limitation), Recovery, Learning, SHAS Tours. 
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Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung