Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung
Baby, Yolinda Ayustina
HF5410-5417.5 Marketing, Distribution of Product
2022-11-28 07:01:46
Abstract :
This study focuses on the response of respondents regarding the use of website as direct room booking platform. The researcher will further determine the factors which caused the decline of room booking amount through Harris Suites FX
Sudirman official website amidst current technological development and whether the use of website as direct room booking platform is optimal through analyzing website features based on electronic service quality dimensions. This study uses a quantitative approach with 100 respondents processed through the SPSS 23 software analysis tools. The results of the analysis show six (6) dimensions in
website feature which support direct room booking have not been done optimally. Some recommendations that could be applied by Harris Suites FX Sudirman Jakarta to optimize direct room booking through the website are by completing
information about HARRIS Suites FX Sudirman, adding "contact us" menu wich connect directly to hotel's e-mail and number, designing "filter" and "sort" feature that help guests search based on desired criteria, adding a review or top
comments of stay experience at Harris Suites FX Sudirman on the side bar or footer part of the website, adding new information on the main page and partnering up
with website developers to nce and add some features
to highlight personal touch in the website.
Keywords: Hotel Website, Direct Booking, Website Qualit