The Fantastic Elements as Narrated in Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book: a Genre Study
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Suhada, Ilham
2020-06-13 02:15:59 
Abstract :
The research discusses about genre study of the fantastic elements by Todorov (1970) within the intrinsic elements as portrayed in the novel written by Neil Gaiman The Graveyard Book. Todorov believes that there are four elements or subgenre in the fantastic theory; Uncanny, Fantastic-Uncanny, Fantastic-Marvelous and Marvelous. This research focuses to investigate how is fantastic-marvelous portrayed in The Graveyard Book according to its intrinsic elements, such as; characters, plot and setting. The theory applied by the writer is the theory of how to analyze the intrinsic elements of a novel from several theorists, combines with the theory of the fantastic-marvelous by Todorov (1970). The research uses qualitative research, since the data in this research deals with words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The findings of this analysis show that the novel tends to the fantastic-marvelous as portrayed in the characters which the main protagonist character masters some supernatural powers, some kind-hearted ghosts and there are some creatures that were not dead nor alive. Through plot, the fantastic-marvelous occurs when the creature of ghosts are protecting a human baby from a murderer and raise him in the graveyard. The setting described that the supernatural phenomenon is irrationally unexplained when people in the 20th century were being forced to believe about kind-hearted ghost, creature that is not dead nor alive and a baby that being raised in a graveyard by ghosts. In addition, it can be conclude that genre study could also being analyzed using intrinsic elements. 
Institution Info

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia