Critical Discourse Analysis on Online Newspaper: A Case of Setya Novanto
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Sapitri, Juwita Wulan
2020-06-13 02:11:46 
Abstract :
This research is a Critical Discourse Analysis study (CDA) which explores how The Jakarta Post online newspaper represented a case of Setya Novanto being hospitalized after car crash. The study examines linguistic aspects, discourse practices and socio-cultural context to understand why the newspaper representing the case in the way they give the information to the society. For its framework of analysis, this research draws on Three Dimensional Framework from Fairclough (1995) about Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistic from Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) as the tools to examine linguistics aspect especially for transitivity, mood and modality. The researcher used speech reporting about direct and indirect quotation from Harry (2013). Institutional and social context were also analyzed to see the reason of journalist representing the event in the newspaper. This research reveals that The Jakarta Post newspaper is tend to be bias in disseminating information related to the case of Setya Novanto being hospitalized after car crash because there was inequality representations that enacted into Setya and KPK. The negative representation of Setya were used in transitivity, mood and modality meanwhile KPK represented in positive representation. The indirect quotation also supported for KPK and described negative representation of Setya as he used some influential people to evade from detention of KPK. It also focuses in process of degrading KPK power by political parties. Joko Widodo also represented to have correlation in this case. The last stage informs about the reason of The Jakarta Post presented the case in such way. The findings described that ideology of this institution is supporting for KPK. Furthermore, social context also influences the process of representing the news when the society sees the accident of car crash have tendencies to make Setya escapes from detention. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia