Translation Shift and Equivalence of English Noun Phrase in Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Herlina, Vevin
2020-06-13 03:22:40 
Abstract :
This research aims to identify and describe the category shifts that occur in the translation of Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine. It also aims to describe the influence of those category shifts on transferring the messages of the source language. The researcher used qualitative research as the research design of this study. The data source of this research was from English Noun Phrase of Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine and its translation which analyzed using theory of shift and equivalence by Catford (1965). The findings of the research show that there are four types of category shifts that occur in the translation of English noun phrase in Garuda Colours Magazine. They are structure shift, class shift, unit shift and intra-system shift. The structure shift has the highest frequency that is 201 cases or 55.4 %. It happens because the grammatical systems between the source language and the target language are different. The intra system shift has the lowest percentage that is 9.9 %. The frequency of unit shift is 73 cases or 20.1 %. It proves that there are no correspondences between the source language and the target language. The frequency of class shift is 53 cases or 14.6 %. Those category shifts occur because the grammatical systems of the SL and TL are different, so the translator is dictated by the target language in order to clarify the meaning in order that the message is easily understood by the audience. Those category shifts result in different degrees of equivalence. They are complete, increased, and decreased meaning. The complete meaning has the highest percentage that is 68.9 %. The percentage of increased meaning is 8.3 % and the percentage of decreased meaning is 8 %. Different meaning has result 8.8% and no meaning occurs 6 %. It means that the messages of the source language are transferred as equivalent as possible in the target language. It can be concluded that shift is used to get the accurate and natural translation. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia