A Schizophrenic on Main Character as Seen in The Roommate Movie
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Mauldy Nurislam, Vinca Mauldy
2020-06-13 03:19:27 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is about the mental illness that writer tried to discuss about the schizophrenic in C.E Christiansen?s The Roommate. This research aimed to analyze the symptom of schizophrenia in The Roommate Movie. This research focused on Kraeplin theory to analyze the mental illness. This study is conducted by using qualitative method through the study of literature, and the writer chooses movie as a media for this research. Then the writer used cinematography aspect to find out the valid data. They are Camera Shot, Lighting, Colour, Sound and Dialogue. At the conclusion, From the analysis process it is found that the Main character suffer schizophrenia that cause the sufferer cannot have a good relationship within the normal social life. So, the researchers found paranoid schizophrenia. And the types of symptom is Positive symptom and Negative symptom. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia