Afro-American Discrimination As Seen In On Beauty By Zadie Smith
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Sibarani, Marisca Sari
2020-06-13 02:55:36 
Abstract :
On Beauty is a novel written by Zadie Smith. In this research the writer focused on the analysis about Afro-American discrimination described in On Beauty novel. The aim of the research is to find out the potrayel of discrimination towards Afro-American in the society in Wellington. The writer started the research by arranging the theoretical framework and discussing the theory and approach that are used for the analysis. To analyze the data the writer used Socio-Historical approach by Gabriel (2004). Moreover, applying descriptive qualitative method to describe, explore and analyze the data. The data collected from dialogues, narrations and the data sources that related with the research. The research finding showed the discrimination of Afro-American in society in Wellington. The first, Afro-American experience racial discrimination. The second, they experience oppression from the white people. The third, they experience the class discrimination. In analyzing the discrimination of Afro-American the writer also can find the second or subsubordinate position of Afro-American that appears in the novel. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia