The Elements of Psychological Thriller As Seen In Hawkins’s The Girl On The Train
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Kurniawan, Ricky
2020-06-13 04:07:12 
Abstract :
This thesis describes the analysis of a literary work entitled The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. The main purpose of this research is to find out and reveals the elements of psychological thriller that reflected in The Girl On The Train. The focuses of this study are analyzing genre and the elements of sub genre that reflected in The Girl On The Train By Paula Hawkins especially the element of psychological thriller such as suspenseful feeling, hardboiled in character, and cat and mouse in characters. The intrinsic element is the main characters of the novel. They are Rachel, Megan, Anna, Tom, Scott, Dr. Abid and detectives. Furthermore, the setting of place in the story is located in London. In this research, the writer uses genre study and focus on thriller genre especially psychological thriller. In addition, this research applied qualitative research to depict clearly about the problem. The results of the study show that there are the elements of psychological thriller. First, in suspenseful feeling elements they are Rachel isolates herself and the revelation of the truth. Second, hardboiled elements there are two, mystery of Megan?s disappearance and the withness. The last element is cat and mouse elements is discuss about the motives of murders. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia