An Analysis of Psychopathy as Seen in Corin: Linda Howard’s Mr. Perfect Novel
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Wulandari, Ruita
2020-06-13 03:44:07 
Abstract :
This research is aimed to find the characteristic and the cause of psychopathy in Corin character inside of Mr. Perfect novel by Linda Howard. This novel is romance-suspense novel that has the psychological issue which is psychopathy personality disorder that suffered by one of the character named Corin. Corin became a killer in the end because of the treatment that she got during childhood until adulthood. The writer interested to analyses about the psychopathy personality of Corin that seen in the novel, since the writer also thinks to recognize the psychopathy characteristics because it included as the first step to against them. For achieving the object of the analysis, the writer uses psychological approach and theory that borrowed from Cleckley which is PCl (Psychopathy Checklist), which tries to explain about psychopathic characteristics in Corin?s character. The data obtained through Mr. Perfect novel are analyzed qualitatively using the theories of some books of psychology, which described Corin?s psychological condition of her forbidden acts, such as torturing and killing person. Based on the results of the data analysis, the research finds seven characteristics and one cause of psychopath in Corin?s character, they are: callousness or lack of empathy, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow emotion, pathological lying and manipulative, impulsivity, grandiose sense of self-worth, and lacking of goals, and the cause itself is the abusive experience in childhood. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia