Reader�s Response to The Construction of Normality in the Novel Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
2023-12-14 07:04:38 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the reader?s response to the construction of normality in the novel Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata. This novel applies exploration regarding social issue, especially Japanese society, which focused on Keiko Furukura?s character and a few normalities around her. The story is about Kieko Furukura as individual who should fulfill normality that come from social norms and expectation. In her process, there is progress of her to realize that choices of her option is more important to the other?s normality. Meanwhile, the reader itself take from some bookclub as part of this study. Their opinion regarding the issu of the construction of normality is the main focus in this analysis. This study was conducted by using a qualitative descriptive method. The data source are Convenience Store Woman novel and questionnaire to the reader, whereas the data are narration and dialogue in the novel and response of question from the reader. The study applied sociology of literature with the theory from Sarah Freud and Sakai Junko to find out the construction of normality, while second theory from Rosenblatt and Beach and Marshal are used to find out response from the reader. The finding revealed that in term of the construction of normality, there are three normality exist in the novel, namely normal as good child, normal as successful person, and normal as married person. Those three normality forms shape the main character in order to make her get label of normal from society. Meanwhile, from fourteen readers who fulfill all of question were given, they were gave various responses in each category that consist of describing, engaging, conceiving, explaining, interpreting, connecting, and judging. Those responses also stated diversity among readers with some similarity and differences toward the construction of normality?s issue 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia