The Psychological Conflict of The Main Character in Redeeming Love Novel by Francine Rivers
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Yollanda, Rachel Adacia
2023-12-14 08:36:12 
Abstract :
This thesis is entitled The Psychological Conflict of the Main Character in Redeeming Love Novel by Francine Rivers. The researcher focuses on problems related to the psychological conflicts experienced by the main character which are studied in the psychology of literature. Therefore, this study aims to determine the psychological conflict or inner conflict experienced by the main character named Sarah. The novel is analyzed using the conflict theory put forward by Muis (2009) and Kurt Lewins theory, which includes various types of psychological conflict or inner conflicts experienced by a person. This study uses qualitative descriptive text as a method that focuses on literary texts, namely narratives, and dialogues from the novel entitled Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. The data collecting technique of this research is by reading the novel repeatedly, collecting all the data, classifying, and doing the analysis. Meanwhile the data analyzing technique, the writer using several steps such as identifying, classifying, after that the writer interpreted the types of psychological conflict from the words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. The next steps the writer evaluated and concluded the result of the research. This study revealed that Sarah experienced the psychological conflict in th forms of depression, obsession, anxiety, fear, insecurity, guilt, feeling of inadequacy, frustration, anger, offended, dissatisfaction, and attention. The inner conflicts experienced by Sarah are dominated by inner conflicts of fear and frustration. In addition to the psychological conflict research results based on Kurt Lewin's theory, Sarah experienced three types of psychological conflict, in the form of approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, approach-avoidance conflict. Based on the three types of psychological conflict, Sarah's character often experiences approach-avoidance conflict 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia