The Portrayal of Emotional Abuse on The Characters in The Novel After We Collided (2014) by Anna Todd
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
2023-12-14 11:01:09 
Abstract :
After We Collided is a novel written by Anna Todd which tells about Hardin and Tessa's relationship after they broke up. Their relationship becomes more complicated when Zed openly likes Tessa which causes them to always get into conflict. Emotional abuse is a violence that attacks the emotions and feelings of other people with the aim of controlling them. The aim of this study is to identify emotional abuse by knowing its patterns portrayed by the characters in the novel. To analyze the issue of emotional abuse, the writer uses theory of Beverly Engel (2002) to understand the patterns of emotional abuse. In addition, a psychological approach is also used in this study. The method used to analyze the issue is a descriptive qualitative method. The analysis is presented in the form of sentences and dialogues. As the results of this study, the writer finds 7 out of 13 patterns of emotional abuse contained in the After We Collided novel which are portrayed by some characters, including domination, constant criticism or continual blaming, intentional and unintentional abuse, verbal assaults, emotional blackmail, character assassination, and constant chaos or creating crisis. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia