Teacher's Directive Illocutionary Acts on English Language Classroom
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 
2023-12-14 12:50:04 
Abstract :
Teacher?s instruction is an important skill that teacher should have to achieve the goal of studying in class. Teachers can use many utterances in directive illocutionary acts types to control the students in the class while teaching and learning progress is going on. This study was conducted to find out the types and how the way teacher used directive illocutionary acts in English language classrooms at a course in Bandarlampung. This study used qualitative method to gather and analyze data. Collected the data was through with video recording. Two teachers participated in this study in 180 minutes of two videos. To analyze the data, this study used theory of directive illocutionary acts by Kreidler, (2013) and applied pragmatics study by Yule (1996). The result showed that command was used by first teacher and also second teacher to attract the students to give their attention. Meanwhile, request was used by teachers to make the students explain more about the understanding of the students in each material. The last type of directive illocutionary act was suggestion. It was used by teachers to inspire the students in the class. The results of this study can be used as a reference in linguistic study and interaction in teaching and learning activities. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia