An Analysis of Metaphors Used by the Main Character in Mitch Albom’s Novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
2023-12-15 12:18:22 
Abstract :
Language in literature such as novel plays a fundamental role in conveying meaning, creating imagery, and engaging readers. This study examines various types of Metaphor and their significance in Mitch Albom?s Novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The metaphor is a figure of speech that draws comparisons between two disparate items that have some traits in common. This study applied a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The qualitative research involves understanding and exploring social or human problems through different methodological traditions. This research used a semantics approach and also applied the theory from Lakoff and Johnson (2003). The study gathered the data by using a library research and derived the data from the novel ?The Five People You Meet in Heaven? by Mitch Albom. The data for this research were analyzed in four steps: identification, classification, explanation and conclusion . The findings of this study revealed 3 types of metaphor namely structural, orientational, and ontological metaphor. The data found 45 data of structural metaphors, 10 data of orientational metaphors, and 38 data of ontological metaphors. In terms of structural metaphor the data were found such as ?Eddie dying in the sun?, ?EDDIE'S JOB WAS maintaining?, ?Stand around her, watching?, etc. In terms of orientational metaphor the data were found such as ?He could fly away from this mistake?, ?The weight of the world was on his shoulders?, ?Chest tightened like a man who'd just had bad news broken?, etc. In terms of ontological metaphor the data were found such as ?Eddie mostly seethed?, ?Have peace when you die??, ?Die because of loyalty?, etc. These data were accompanied by information regarding the metaphor's domains (source domain and target domain) and their metaphor meanings. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia