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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
2023-12-15 13:11:34 
Abstract :
The research concerns analyzing imagery in the novel Dan Brown Digital Fortress. In this study can increase the understanding about imagery that portray in the novel Digital Fortress. Imagery analysis is the process of examining and interpreting the visual content of a text. In Dan Brown?s Digital fortress imagery is used to explore the themes and ideas of the novel as well as further understand the characters and their motivations. The capacity of the creator to build evocative imageries in their depictions is one of the noticeable characteristics of a novel that may make it engaging to read, and to make it realistic. The brain plays an important role in portraying the words into pictures, one of its capabilities upon reading. It contributes to the most commonly found type of imagery in literature This research is how Dan Brown portray imagry in the Digital Fortress novel. To gain sufficient data regarding the topic, the writer carries the research by using ?library study? method to acquire higher understanding towards the matter. According to Miles Woken in 2013, library research relies on finding documentation in a library or other archive source including internet, then summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the data. In accordance, the writer has implemented this method of library research to build and strengthen his research by utilizing journals, articles, and essays regarding the topic that is compiled in a form of summary. The data of this research sourced from Dan Brown?s work entitled Digital Fortress. For this research, the writer has collected the data necessary for the study from Digital Fortress? narratives and dialogues of conversation in the novel. From that point, the writer should able to develop the concept and comprehension based on the theory used. There are seven types of imagery in this analysis and each of them have applied in the novel Digital Fortress by Dan Brown, Dan Brown portrays imagery in Digital fortress is very detailed so that the storyline conveyed can be understood by the reader. 
Institution Info

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia