The Use of Quizizz to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension in Eleventh Grade of SMK Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Syuga, Azlen Andina
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 
2023-12-19 02:09:56 
Abstract :
The aims of this study was to determine whether teaching reading through Quizizz application can improve reading comprehension of the XI grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung. The sample used in this study were 34 students taken from class XI students consists of 23 females and 11 males with a total of 34 students came from one class, namely class XI TKJ .The method used in this research is quantitative research using SPSS. The instrument used in this study was a narrative reading test in the form of multiple choice consisting of 40 questions. Based on the research results, teaching reading with Quizizz application using narrative texts can improve students' reading comprehension in English texts. In the pre test results, there were only 13 students who passed the KKM score with an average of 71.41. On the results of the post test there was an increase, namely there were 32 students who passed the KKM score, with an average of 82.79. As a result, students' responses to learning are positive. Based on the results of the data, it can be concluded that teaching Quizizz application can improve students' reading comprehension in class XI TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 2, Bandar Lampung. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia