An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts Produced By Young Learners
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Manik, Hotma Uli
Bahasa Inggris 
2020-06-08 06:59:57 
Abstract :
The aims of this research are to know the classification of illocutionary acts and its functions in the young learner?s activities in Lampung Classical School in grade three levels. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The participants were 3 young learners who learn in third grade at Lampung Classical School. The researcher observed the utterances of the young learners, collected the data, reduced the data and grouped the data. The researcher founds 243 utterances that contain illocutionary acts. The result of this research shows that the young learners used 4 illocutionary acts they are; representatives, expressives, directives, and commissives and the declarativesis not found. The directives are the most frequent illocutionary acts with 170 data (69, 96%). Representatives 43 data (17, 70%) and expressives 21 data (8, 64%), while commissives are fewest with 9 data (3, 70 %). Questioning is the most dominants function with 92 data (37, 87%). On the other hand appreciating, encouraging, forbidding have fewest illocutionary function with only 1 datum (0, 41%). 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia