Associative Meanings Found in Articles of The Jakarta Globe Online Newspaper
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Sari, Rizky
2020-06-12 02:23:11 
Abstract :
Journalists are free to use words and expressions, language style and linguistic structures in writing articles especially about news in newspaper. Yet, it does not mean that they are not carefully in choosing words as their expression, but the journalists have their own creativity in making a story so that their writing is interesting to be read by focusing on linguistic choice and structure instead. Further, all of those linguistic choices and structures are categorized as associative meaning which is then become the topic discussion for the writer. In this research, the writer intends to identify associative meanings in articles of The Jakarta Globe Online Newspaper. Thus, the writer conducts descriptive qualitative method. Also, the writer uses the theory from Leech about the types and function of associative meaning in order to do the analysis. Finally, the result of the study shows that there are only four types of associative meanings in that can be found in The Jakarta Globe Online Newspaper, they are: Connotative Meaning, Stylistic Meaning, Reflected Meaning and Collocative Meaning. The only associative meaning that is not found or exists in the five selected articles is Affective Meaning. This might be happening since the writer finds out that there are no kinds of writing style that describes about personal feeling both from the author and the interviewees. Also, the result of the analysis shows that the most associative meaning used by the journalists (authors) is Connotative Meaning. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia