Register in the Selected Gadget News Articles
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Hidayat, Nur
2020-06-12 03:05:04 
Abstract :
Register is known as the particular vocabulary choices made by an individual or a group to fulfill the variety of language function that adds up to communicate. The interesting fact about register is, the discussion of this study is quite large that is not only commonly being used by certain community, but also by some occupations. Here, the writer is interested to find out the types and function of registers that is being used by the authors of three selected articles of which is in the range of gadgets (Smartphone and Laptop). In designing the research, the writer conducts descriptive qualitative method. Also, the writer uses the theory from Halliday about the types and function of Register in order to do the analysis. As the result of the study, the writer find out that there are only four types of registers exist in the whole articles, they are: Frozen Register, Casual Register, Intimate Register and Formal Register. The most type of Register used by the authors is Frozen Register, followed by Casual Register. Frozen Register is commonly found since the articles are mostly full of terminologies about Smartphone's Features and Applications that usually can be seen in the "Gadget Magazine". However, different with Frozen Register, Casual Register is being used by the author in order to get involved with the readers by putting some preposition and understandable term such as "All-You-Can-Eat (AYCE)". 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia