Characteristics of Tragic Hero in Zack Synder Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Anggoro, M.Wahyu
2020-06-12 02:57:30 
Abstract :
This reseacrh was designed to describe ?the characteristics of tragic hero in Zack Synder Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie?. Tragic hero is usually a character or mainly protagonist character in a literary who evokes the pity of fear or leads strong emotions to be the catharsis both to the characters of the story or to audiences or readers, becaase the hero confronts his dawnfall whether due to fate, or by his own mistake.Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research because this type of research was narated in the form of sentences, dialogue, pictures rather than numerical data. The data was taken from one of best Holywood movie created by Zack on March 23, 2016. Analyzing the data, the writer employs Aristotle?s theory covering six main characteristics of tragic hero: they are Hamartia, Hubris, Peripeteia, Anagnorisis, Nemesis, and Catharsis.The result of this analysis discovered the all catharsis or experiences in sense of pity because of Superman?s fatal flaw or Hamartia. The hamartia of Superman is his over love or protection to his girlfriend and his mother that forced him to make individual action in saving them, and forcing him to fac his dawnfall that is fighting with Doomsday, then taking him into the death. Therefore, this movie brings many catharsis to the audiences also that are experiences in sense of pity for the death of Superhero, a greeat man who previously getting the more praise from Metropolitan society. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia