The Portrayal of Hegemony in Dystopian Society as seen in Dashner’s The Death Cure Novel
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Kurniawati, Liya
2020-06-12 02:55:17 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to examine and describe the portrayal of hegemony done by the states as the highest government to Gladers in Dashner?s The Death Cure Novel. The aim of this research is to reveal the existence of the hegemony done by WICKED that affects the Gladers as the object of hegemony. This research applies qualitative method, while the data were collected in the form of dialogue and narration inside the novel The Death Cure written by James Dashner. The analysed data are based on the Gramci?s theory which is focused on the term of hegemony. The analysis is focused on hegemony in consent and coercion inside the novel. The result of the research reveals that the portrayal of hegemony and dystopian society can be seen in Dashner?s The Death Cure Novel. Dystopian society can be seen through the environment and politic where society?s life under oppressive government. The portrayal of hegemony can be seen through the WICKED and Gladers. Based on the analysis, dialogues and narrations inside The Death Cure can be categorized as the hegemony because WICKED uses consent and coercion in convince Gladers. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia