An Analysis of Moral Values in Sophie Kinsella’s Confessions of A Shopaholic Novel
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Yuniasri, Eka
2020-06-12 02:52:43 
Abstract :
Literary works is divided into three main divisions, they are poetry, drama and narrative story and in every literary work, there must be a lesson that can be taken. A lesson that is also known as moral value.Mostly moral value is associated with attitudes and action whether they are good or bad.In accordance, in this analysis, the writer is focusing in describing the moral values that exist in the novel of Confessions of A Shopaholic.Thus, in order to find out the moral values that exist in the story of the novel,this research is conducted descriptive qualitative method and using the theory of Greimas of actantial model. As the result of this research, the writer finds out that there are four main points of moral values that can be taken from the story of the novel, they are; relating to person?s responsibility where they must be brave to responsible for their mistakes, concerning to one inner?s self where he/she must listen to their conscience to do the right thing, making obligation as a prove of humanity and finally making formal quality in order to learn which one is good and bad thing. Each of them is intentionally refers for both readers and the author itself since learning moral value means take a lesson that should and should not do for better life. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia