The 19th Century Social Condition of Dogtown Village as Portrayed in Diamant’s The Last Days of Dogtown
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Rahayu, Masnia
Literary History 
2020-06-12 04:39:15 
Abstract :
The Last Days of Dogtown was a novel written by Anita Diamant. In this research the writer focused on the analysis about social condition in 19th century of Dogtown village described in The Last Days of Dogtown novel. The aim of the research is to find out and explain social condition of Dogtown village in 19th century. The writer started the research by arranging the theoretical framework and discussing the theory and approach that is used for the analysis. The writer used Socio-Historical approach. Moreover, by applying descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The data were from dialogues and narrations and the data sources was a novel by Anita Diamant The Last Days of Dogtown. By the end of this research, the writer was able to find social condition of Dogtown village in 19th century depicted in the novel. In finding social condition of Dogtown village the writer analyzed the social conflict appear in the novel. The writer could conclude social condition of Dogtown village in 19th century based on the analysis of social conflict from socio-historical aspects such as political, economy and social aspects, so it clearly shows the social condition of Dogtown village in 19th century. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia