The Depiction os Trickster Archetype as seen in The Main Character in IT Movie
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Manalu, Novita Saleste
Philology. Linguistics 
2020-06-12 06:47:13 
Abstract :
IT is an American supernatural horror movie directed by Andy Muschietti in 2017 which became the object of this research. This movie is adapted from its novel written by Stephen King in 1986. This movie is set in the summer of 1989 and tells the story of seven children who are terrorized by demonic being in Derry town. In this thesis, the writer discussed about the depiction of trickster archetype as seen in the main character. The aim of this research is to reveal what is the depiction of the trickster as described in the Pennywise character in IT movie. In answering formulated problem, the writer used a theory and an approach provided in literature review. The theory and approach are from Carl Gustav Jung to help the writer to conduct the research. In this research, the writer implemented the characteristics of the trickster archetype as the theories. Afterward, the writer used archetypal approach to reveal Pennywise as the trickster describe in IT movie. Moreover, this research applied descriptive qualitative method and the data are taken through the cinematography aspects from the movie to describe the formulated problem. The result of this research shows the depiction of the trickster archetype in IT movie (2017) which described toward the main character. The findings found in the IT movie are compiled and categorized in physical description and trickster archetype character. The writer found the physical descriptions through Pennywise by his appearance as a clown. Then, the writer assumed that Pennywise has some traits of the trickster archetype character, they are; shape shifter, deceiver and trick player, and situation inverter. 
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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia