Anteseden dan konsekuensi perceived fow
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Universitas Trisakti
Najmi Fahirah
Corporate social responsibility;Marketing management - Customer satisfaction 
2019-05-24 00:00:00 
Abstract :
The purpose of this Study is to determine the Influence of Hotel Website Quality Perceived Flow on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention This research using nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling or judgmental sampling technique where the sample taken in this study 125 respondents who assessed at least for the last 6 months on hotels that have their own websites The data analysis tool that used was Structural Equation Model SEM via AMOS program The results of this research show that there is a influence of Hotel Website Quality on Perceived Flow there is a positive influence of Perceived Flow on Customer Satisfaction and there is no positive influence Customer Satisfaction on Purchase Intention and there is no positive influence between Perceived Flow on Purchase Intention For future researchers are expected to spread questionnaire to more than 125 respondents so the results can be more generalized 
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Universitas Trisakti