Universitas Surabaya
Mohaideen, Norsyafiqah Haja
HD28 Management. Industrial Management
2024-05-08 08:44:52
Abstract :
This internship report aims to explain the cause of overbudget of food and beverage costs during festive season at PT 33 Surabaya. This internship was held in finance department PT 33, Surabaya for six months from January 2023 to July 2023. PT 33 was located in Surabaya, East Java. Problem occurred during this internship was food and beverage costs exceeded PT 33 budget during the festive season. This report will explain what is the cause of overbudget of food and beverage cost and how the situation can be improve the situation by doing theoretical and numerical analysis. There will be recommendations from
understanding the receiving process, advancement of technology, risk management, basic financial statements, and risk measurement.