Polysemy And Semantic Extension Of Lexeme Home
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Universitas Bangka Belitung
Ega Pratiwi, (NIM. 5031711005)
PR English literature 
2024-06-06 01:44:28 
Abstract :
Polysemy is a term for a word that has multiple related meanings, poses a significant challenge for researchers documenting and categorizing the various meanings of words. This study explores the polysemy of the lexeme 'home' by categorizing its various meanings into word classes and investigating the figurative meanings that motivate the polysemy of the lexeme 'home' in English. The study employs Apresjan's theory of types of polysemy and metonymically and metaphorically motivated polysemy. The main data source and the meaning of the lexeme 'home' in this study used Merriam-Webster online dictionary. By using qualitative descriptive method, the result of this study shows three types of polysemy for the lexeme 'home': polysemy of nouns, polysemy of verbs, and polysemy of adjectives, as well as two figurative meanings that motivate the polysemy, which are metonymically motivated polysemy and metaphorically motivated polysemy. 
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Universitas Bangka Belitung