Magical Realism And Its Impacts On Characters In The Exorcist’s House By Nick Roberts
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Universitas Bangka Belitung
Muhammad Alif Faturrachman, (NIM. 5031711044)
PR English literature 
2024-06-06 01:45:29 
Abstract :
This research focuses on examining the characteristics of magical realism and its impact on main characters in a horror novel titled ?The Exorcist?s House? by Nick Roberts. The study aims to identify the characteristics of magical realism and its effects on the main character in the novel through Wendy B. Faris's theory of magical realism. The research utilizes qualitative research methods. The results of the study indicate that the literary work this research studies contains all five types of magical realism characteristics proposed by Wendy B. Faris. The study analyzes and elaborates 35 data related to magical realism characteristics, which are 10 Irreducible Elements, 5 Phenomenal World, 10 Unsettling Doubt, 5 Merging Realms, and 5 Disruptions of Time, Space, and Identity. Additionally, the research shows the impact of magical events on the three main characters in The Exorcist's House novel, resulting in a change in response type from Hesitation to Acceptance. Upon analysis, there were 10 instances of 10 types of responses were taken from Unsettling Doubts data. The conclusion of this research is the fulfilment of all five characteristics of magical realism which classify this literary work as magical realism. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the impact of magical realism on the characters from the changing response types of the main character when confronted with magical situations in a realistic setting. 
Institution Info

Universitas Bangka Belitung