Universitas Bangka Belitung
Silvia Andri Yanti, (NIM. 5031711030)
PE English
2024-08-12 02:02:17
Abstract :
Ecocriticism is a study that examines the relationship between literature and natural environment. This study chose novel as the object of the study because novels has the power to convey someone's thoughts. This study aims to analyze the elements of ecocriticism in overcoming environmental issues as well as conflict resolution strategies over these issues. By applying descriptive qualitative research methods, this study analyzes elements of ecocriticism and conflict resolution in the form of words, phrases and sentences spoken by characters in the novel. This study uses the theory by Greg Garrard (2004) to determine the elements of ecocriticism. This study also uses the theory by Thomas and Killmann (2008) to find out what conflict resolution is reflected in the novel and how it correlates with environmental issues. There are thirty-three data in this study. The results show that this study identified all types of ecocritical elements contained in the data, namelyfour data of pollution,four data of wilderness, five data of apocalypse,seven dataof dwelling or house, nine data of animals and four data of earth. The results of this study indicate that the novel Migrations is intended to inform about environmental issues and their problem resolution. This study also identified five types of conflict resolution strategies, namelyone data of competing, six data of avoiding, eleven data of accommodating, eight data of collaborating, and seven data of compromising. The ecocritical elements found in the novel require problem-solving strategies so that the correlation for both of problem could work properly.