A critical discourse analysis if the Indonesian minister of foreign affairs' speech on the Israel-Palestinian war in Gaza
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Universitas Bangka Belitung
Rifky Harpada, (NIM. 5032011014)
PE English 
2024-08-14 02:36:36 
Abstract :
This study concerned with Critical Discourse Analysis of the speeches delivered by the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi on the Israeli-Palestinian war in Gaza in 2023. It examined how Retno Marsudi, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, utilized linguistic aspects, power, and ideology in her discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza Using Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and a descriptive- qualitative research method, the study analyzed Retno Marsudi's speeches at three levels: microstructural, mesostructural, and macrostructural. The supporting theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics by Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday was also applied to significantly sustain the analysis. At the microstructural level, the analysis identified 80 pronouns, with the inclusive 'we' and its variations being the most frequently used (35) instances), followed by 'T' (23 instances), and 'you' (8 instances). Additionally, 144 process types in transitivity were identified, with material processes (74 instances), relational processes (20 instances), and verbal processes (13 instances) being the most common. The modality was also significant, featuring 50 instances, prominently including the modals 'must' (20 instances), 'should (11 instances), and 'will' (8 instances). At the mesostructural level, Retno Marsudi used soft and normative power to influence and urge international entities, particularly the UN, to resolve the conflict through a two-state solution to achieve peace and end the violence in Gaza At the macrostructural level, the analysis revealed that Retno Marsudi's speech reflected the ideology of humanitarianism, aligning with Indonesia's historical and constitutional commitment to combating oppression and advocating for the rights of all peoples. The study found that Retno Marsudi's speeches were delivered using linguistic strategies to emphasize her message and goals, along with the application of her power and ideology to drive change and movement in the international sphere.. 
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Universitas Bangka Belitung