Abstract :
Legal protection is the protection of human rights and dignity and recognition of human righats that are owned by legal subjects based on the legal provision of arbitrariness or as a collection of rules or rules that can protect something from others.
Based on new theory Accoriding to Van Dunne said that legal relations between two or more parties based on an agreement to cause legal consequences. The new theory not only secs the agreement, but must also be seen before or before it.
Based on the section 1 on (1) the law number 1 year 2011 about housing and residential areas, what is meant by housing is a collection of houses as part of settlements, both urban and rural which are equipped with infrastructure, facilities and public facilities as a result of efforts to fulfill livable houses
Credit is the provision of money or billes that can be equated based on the agreement of lending and borrowing between banks and other parties which the borrower is obliged to pay off his debt after a certain periode of time with the amount of interest that has been determined.