Abstract :
The purposes of this research are: 1) to analyze the educational values found in Upin and Ipin animated movie on Ramadan themed series, and 2) to know the benefits of watching Upin and Ipin animated movie on Ramadan themed series. The research design of this research is descriptive qualitative and library research. In this research the data were in the form of dialogues containing values presented by the characters in Upin and Ipin animated movie which focused on Ramadan themed series. The data were taken from screenplay of the Upin and Ipin animated movie.To collect the data needed, observation and documentation techniques were used. The collected data were then analyzed through some steps: 1) interpreting the data found in the dialogues, 2) analyzing the dialogues and classifying them according to categories based on educational value,3) verifying the dialogues with related theory in this research, and 4) giving the conclusion about the educational values found in the movie. Data analysis shows that there are 12 educational values in this animated movie. Those 12 educational values are: honesty, brave, peace, confidentt, discipline, purity, loyalty, respect, love and affection, unselfish, kind and friendly, fair and humanist. Furthermore, the researcher finds there are three major advantages of watching Upin and Ipin animated movie; they are: 1) medium of entertainment, 2) source of inspiration, and 3) medium of education. Based on the research finding, the researcher highly recommends all people, especially parents and children, to frequently watch Upin and Ipin animated movie because it is full of educational values beside its entertainment purpose. For teachers, Upin and Ipin animated movie can also be used as teaching and learning medium in cultivating the educational values to the students.