Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to know and understand the form of
implementation Marriage and to know and understand the factors that are the
cause of the behavior of divorce that is done outside the officers of the marriage
recorder in the village of district factory of Montong Gading. The type of
research used in this study was empirical research.While the method of approach
used in this research is using normative and sociological model. Meanwhile, as
the location of this research is the village of District refinery Montong Gading
East Lombok District, especially those found in the Office of the Wedding
Registry in the district of Montong Gading East Lombok District. The results of
this research are: 1. The forms of marriage carried out outside of the marriage
registrar in the village of Montong Gading Factory are: a) underage marriages; b).
Marriages not disapproved by parents; c). Marriage under Hand (polygamy). 2.
Factors causing the behavior of the divorce irregularities in the village of District
factory Montong Gading caused a). Education factors that affect moral and
understanding of the meaning and procedure of marriage are legally applicable,
another thing that is included in this category is the unpreparedness of spouse in
adapting to the new atmosphere/rules found In the family husband Karna still tied
to the concept received since childhood/old culture; b). Age factors that can affect
many citizens who abandon the obligation of his household as a kaibat are still
less mature in tracing, other things are often the case of persecution by the
husband to his spouse; c) The job factor, is closely related to the economic
problems in the family, and because of third party interference or is not