Abstract :
The problem described in this thesis is how the limitation of the minor crime and the amount of fine in PERMA No. 02 YEAR 2012 and how the implementation of PERMA No. 02 YEAR 2012 in Ruling No. 2/Pid. Sus-Child/2019/PN cell. Research methods Used was normative legal research and
descritive analysis. Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) No. 02 year 2012 instead of changing the CRIMINAL code only adjusts the value of money or goods based on the current economic conditions, PERMA can give waivers to the
judges in the work because if the crimes committed is a crime that is governed by chapters 364, 373, 379, 384, 407 and 482 CRIMINAL code, if the value of goods is not more than Rp. 2.5 million,-then the chairman of the court immediately apply. The sole judge to examine, prosecute and terminate the matter with a quick check-up event and the court chairman did not set up the Ordinana or renewal of
detention. To verdict No. 2/Pid. Sus-Child/2019/PN. Sel, not applied PERMA no 02 year 2012, this shows not all the KUHP of the amount of losses under Rp. 2.5 million,-categorized as a criminal offense of mild KUHP. Keywords: The Limitations Of Criminal Acts,Fines In The Criminal