Abstract :
This research was conducted to develop students speaking of the eighth
grade students of MTs. NW Jango through role playing activities. This study is
related to preliminary learning results show that students are still poor English
speaking skills; especially in providing interpersonal responses.
This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) namely done to
solve student problems in Speaking English. That Class Action Tracing (CAR)
was conducted based on Kurt Lewin draft. The writer worked on two cycles, each
of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Data collected
through qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative Data obtained by analyzing
observations. Then, quantitative data were obtained from the students speaking
scores of pretest, post test and questionnaire.
Based on research conducted in class VIII MTs.NW Jango, the author
concludes that role playing activities can improve students' speaking skills as
indicated by the score they get. Furthermore, from students responses to in
teaching and learning activities during CAR, it is proven that student response to
himself interest in learning to speak using the role play technique 83.33% and 78.50%, which means that they are in the strong and very strong category. It can
be concluded that students like role play technique. Additionally, the observation
checklist shows that students appear bolder and more confident in speaking. This
is evidenced by their participation in class conversations, discussions, appearances
class front, pronunciation, fluency, and self-confidence about speaking.