Abstract :
This study aimed at investigating the effect of pictures description media toward students’
writing ability of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Suela. This study is designed as an
experimental study. In this research the researcher took 66 students as samples, and there were
two groups of sample; those were experimental group and control group. To collects the data, the
researcher applied essay test. Then, the data were analyzed by using quantitative method. After
collecting and calculating the data, the researcher found that the mean scores of experimental
group in pre-test was 14.63 and post-tests was 21.17, while for control group in pre-test was
13.23 and in post-test was 14.87. In testing the hypothesis, the researcher used t -test formula. The
researcher found that t-test was 9.36 and t-table in significant rank 0.05 (5%) was 2.00 (9.36 >
2.00). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted. From the research result, the researcher
concludes that there is a significant effect of pictures description media towards students’ writing
ability for the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Suela in academic year 2013/2014. It is
suggested that the English teachers should apply the pictures description media in teaching
writing mainly in the level of junior high school students.